Dubai Tenant Rental Disputes: Know Your Rights

While exact figures are not provided, these points indicate a surge in rental disputes in Dubai, largely driven by the city’s booming real estate market and rising rental costs. The Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDC) in Dubai has been handling an influx of complaints filed by tenants against landlords. 

Disputes and Issues with Dubai Tenants

  1. Rent increases: Landlords can increase rent, but there are rules and restrictions on how much and how often rent can be raised. Tenants should be aware of the RERA Rental Increase Calculator which regulates allowable rent increases.
  2. Eviction: Landlords can evict tenants in certain circumstances, such as non-payment of rent, property damage, or if the landlord wants to use the property themselves. However, proper notice must be given.
  3. Maintenance issues: Many tenants face maintenance problems like faulty air conditioning, plumbing issues, etc. There can be disputes over who is responsible for repairs and maintenance costs.
  4. Security deposit deductions: Tenants may face unreasonable deductions from their security deposit when moving out.
  5. Property condition issues: The property may not be in good condition or as described when moving in.
  6. Subletting restrictions: Tenants generally cannot sublet without the landlord’s permission.
  7. Utility bill disputes: There can be issues around unpaid utility bills, especially when moving out.
  8. Noise complaints: Tenants may face complaints or issues if they are considered too noisy.
  9. Contract termination: There can be penalties or disputes around early termination of rental contracts.
  10. Privacy concerns: Landlords entering the property without proper notice or permission.

To protect themselves, tenants should be aware of their rights under Dubai’s tenancy laws, carefully review rental contracts before signing, document the condition of the property when moving in, and register their tenancy contract with Ejari (Dubai). If disputes arise, tenants can seek resolution through RDC or our rental dispute lawyer in Dubai.

Negotiate an amicable resolution with the landlord

Try to resolve the issue directly with the landlord. Document all communications and attempts at resolution. If a mutual agreement cannot be reached, proceed to file a complaint to the RDC authorities.

Filing a Complaint Against Your landlord in RDC, Deira, Dubai

You can file your complaint either online or in person:

Online: Visit the Dubai Land Department (DLD) website and navigate to the Rent Dispute Resolution Portal to submit your documents and register your case.

In Person: Visit the RDC Head Office at 10, 3rd Street, Riggat Al Buteen, Deira, Dubai. Submit your documents to the typist, who will assist in completing your complaint.

Documents required for Dubai RDC Cases  

Prepare the necessary documents, which typically include:

  • RDC application form
  • Original copy of the petition
  • Passport copy, Residence Visa, and Emirates ID copy
  • Ejari certificate
  • Copies of cheques issued to the landlord
  • Title Deed and landlord’s passport copy
  • Current tenancy contract
  • Trade license (if applicable)
  • Any email communication between you and the landlord

Rental Dispute Arabic Legal Translation  

After preparing the necessary documents, remember they must be translated into Arabic, as it is the official language of the courts in Dubai. Once your documents are ready, go to the Rental Dispute Centre (RDC).

How Much Does It Cost to File a Rental Dispute in Dubai?

Filing a rental dispute in Dubai involves several costs, which are primarily based on the annual rent and the nature of the dispute. Here is a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with filing a rental dispute at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) in Dubai:

Basic Fees

  1. Registration Fee:
  • 3.5% of the annual rent.
  • Minimum fee: AED 500.
  • Maximum fee: AED 15,000.
  • For eviction cases: The maximum fee can increase to AED 20,000.
  • For combined eviction and financial claims: The maximum fee can reach AED 35,000.

Additional Fees

  1. Processing Fees:
  • Knowledge fee: AED 10.
  • Innovation fee: AED 10.
  • Fast-track notification: AED 105.
  • Power of Attorney registration: AED 25 (if applicable).
  • Process service: AED 100.

Example Calculation

For a tenant with an annual rent of AED 100,000:

  • Registration Fee: 3.5% of AED 100,000 = AED 3,500.
  • Additional Fees: AED 10 (knowledge fee) + AED 10 (innovation fee) + AED 105 (fast-track notification) + AED 25 (Power of Attorney registration, if applicable) + AED 100 (process service).
  • Total Cost: AED 3,750 (excluding translation fees).

Rental Dispute Case Proceedings

Once your case is registered, it will first be transferred to the Arbitration Department, which will attempt to resolve the dispute within 15 days. If arbitration fails, the case will proceed to a lawsuit, with a ruling typically issued within 30 days.

Rental Dispute Case Contact Information

For further assistance, you can contact the RDC at 800 4488. The RDC is open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 am to 3 pm, and on Fridays from 7:30 am to 12 pm.

By following these steps, you can effectively lodge a rental dispute complaint in Dubai and seek a resolution through the RDC.

For legal consultation with an expert rental dispute lawyer: Call us now for an appointment at +971506531334 +971558018669

If a rental dispute cannot be resolved through the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) in Dubai, there are a few potential next steps:

Appeal: If either party is dissatisfied with the RDC’s ruling, they can file an appeal within 15 days of the judgment for claims exceeding AED 50,000. The appeal would be heard by the Court of Appeal at the RDC.

Cassation: For disputes valued at AED 330,000 or more, a further appeal can be filed with the Court of Cassation within 30 days of the appeal judgment.

Enforcement or Execution: If a party fails to comply with the RDC’s final ruling, the other party can request execution (enforcement) through the Enforcement Department of the RDC. This may involve measures like property seizure,  or travel bans to compel compliance.

Financial Judgments: The claimant can send official letters through the courts to government departments like the Dubai Economic Department, Roads and Transport Authority, and Dubai Lands to ensure the judgment is followed.

Civil Court: In rare cases where the dispute falls outside the RDC’s jurisdiction or involves complex legal issues, the matter may need to be taken to the Dubai Civil Courts.

Alternative Dispute Resolution: The parties could explore other forms of dispute resolution like private mediation or arbitration if they mutually agree.

Legal Counsel: Seeking advice from specialized real estate lawyers to explore other legal options or strategies. Our firm has a successful track record of resolving residential and commercial rental disputes in Dubai, UAE. Call us now for an appointment at +971506531334 +971558018669

Yes, a tenant can appeal the Rental Dispute Center (RDC)’s decision in Dubai. Here are the key steps and conditions for filing an appeal:

Conditions for Appeal

Time Frame: The appeal must be filed within 15 days from the date of the judgment issued by the First Instance Committee or from the date of notification of the judgment if it was issued in absentia.

Appeal Security: The tenant must pay an appeal security deposit, which is half of the amount awarded against them in the initial judgment. This amount is refundable if the appeal is successful.

In Dubai, a tenant can appeal a decision made by the Rental Dispute Center (RDC). However, the process for multiple appeals is limited and subject to specific conditions:

Subsequent Appeals:- (2 chances of Appeal)

1. Court of Appeal: If the first decision doesn’t go on your side, the tenant can appeal to the Court of Appeal at the RDC. This is typically the next step if the tenant believes the initial court decision was incorrect.

2. Court of Cassation: For disputes involving amounts of AED 330,000 or more, a further that is a 2nd appeal can be made to the Court of Cassation within 30 days of the appeal judgment. This is the highest level of appeal and is only applicable for significant financial claims. The final decision by the Court of Cassation is binding and cannot be further appealed.

Call us now for an appointment at +971506531334 +971558018669

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